Non-Emergency Dispatch: (801)395-8221
Main Office: (801)782-3580
Office Hours 7:30-6:00 p.m.
*Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in effect*
The Open Burn Period is:
JULY 1, 2024
Open Burning is regulated by the Utah Department of Environment Quality (DEQ). There are statewide rules in place that regulate open burn activities to help minimize emissions and ensure that the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQX) are met. Modifications to burning rules occurred in 2013 and were issued by the Utah State Division of Air Quality (DAQ). These changes include a statewide requirement to obtain a Utah Division of Air Quality's online Open Burn Permit. (SEE BELOW FOR MORE INFO)
There are three types of burning
(Open, Agricultural, & Recreational):
Open Burning: CLOSED
The DAQ rules governing open burning can be found in the
Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-202. This Rule allows open burning of:
"Clippings, bushes, plants and pruning's from trees incident to property
and residential clean-up activities."
Open Burn Windows are tentative:
Spring: March 30th - May 30st
Fall: September 15th - October 30th
The Utah Division of Air Quality's Online Open Burn Permit Application MUST be completed, and issued by the
DAQ prior to burning.
Click above for
Airshed Clearing Index
(Clearing index by airshed tab)
Once a permit is obtained the clearing index must be above 500 (we are airshed 5)
The applicant is required to
check each day before burning.
Click above to access the
Burn Permit Application.
The Airshed Clearing Index must be 500* or above to obtain a burn permit. *If the Airshed is not 500 or above, you will not be able to obtain a permit*
The applicant is required to
check each day before burning.
If burning is not on the same day the permit is issued or
the permit is for more than one day.
Applicant is required to check the Airshed Clearing Index
and notify Dispatch at: (801) 395-8221
each day of burning.
Open Burn Permits will be issued for a two (2) week period and is valid only on the lands specified in the permit.
A permit is required to be on-site at the time of the burn with a person(s) monitoring the burn.
All materials to be burned must be clearly described and quantified in the application.
Applicants must be aware of any local, state, and federal rules and regulations applicable to their area.
Open Burning Rules:
The Clearing index must be 500 or greater
(Check the link above, Airshed 5)
A DAQ Permit must be obtained and
permit must be on site
Burn in small piles
(3' diameter x 2' high)
Burning must be 50 feet from any structure
Fires must be constantly attended
(Responsible adult)
Method of extinguishment must be on site.
(A water source; a fire extinguisher with a 4A rating; shovels, and buckets)
NO burning of waste material, trash, or
material that may cause severe pollution.
The use of accelerants is prohibited.
(NO gasoline, kerosene, lacquer, or other petroleum products)
Agricultural Burning:
Please contact
Weber Fire District
prior to starting your Agricultural Burn
Agricultural burning is defined by the
Utah State Code 11-7-1(2) as:
“..the burning of irrigation ditches, fields, or fence lines.”
Utah State Tax Code 59-2-503 defines agriculture land as;
"Land being over 5 acres in size used for agricultural purposes."
To qualify for Agricultural Burning you MUST:
Have land zoned as agricultural land.
Have agricultural land over 5 acres in size AND used for any of these purposes:
Land used for farming and crop production.
Land used for livestock grazing.
Ditch banks associated with farmland or crop production areas.
Open fields
You may NEED a permit!!
Follow the Ag Burning and Permit Process listed below!
If your property does not meet these qualifications, please follow the guidelines for OPEN BURINGING listed above
Recreational Burning:
The DAQ rules governing permissible recreation burning can be found in the
Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-202-6.
This Rule allows open burning without a permit when
NOT prohibited by other local, state, or federal laws and regulations:
"Preparing food, controlled fires for recreational purposes, indoor fireplaces and residential solid fuel devices (exceptions UAC 307-202-2)."
Recreational Burning
Devices for the primary purpose of preparing food
Such as outdoor grills and fireplaces.
Campfires & Fires used solely for recreational purposes where such fires are under control.
Attended by a responsible person, 18 years or older
Approved fire rings; firepits (3 feet diameter)
Area clear of any debris or overhanging branches
25 feet from a structure or combustible materials
Only clean, dry wood or charcoal NO waste or trash
An immediate source of extinguishment is available
Indoor fireplaces and residential solid fuel burning devices except as provided in UAC R307-302-2
NOTE: If the fire is determined to be hazardous, or smoke becomes offensive to occupants of surrounding property,
the fire then becomes a public nuisance
and must be extinguished.