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YAY! Spring is almost here and with that comes yard cleanup.

If you have been wanting to burn your vegetation and get ready for the upcoming family reunion or graduation party the time is almost here.

The Open Burn Window is scheduled to Open on March 30, 2024, and go through May 30, 2024.

To obtain a burn permit you can visit our Website:, services tab, burning info - permits, there are 2 buttons, one to check your Airshed (we are Airshed 5) and one to apply for a burn permit.

If you are unable to apply for the permit and the window is open it is more than likely that the Airshed is too low. Check back.

If you obtain a permit, the permit is good for 2 weeks, you are still responsible for checking the Airshed (the airshed must 500+) each day you plan on burning. You will also need to let non-emergency dispatch know you are burning (801-395-8221)

If you have any questions please call us 801-782-3580.

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